Hot2Cold Vents by the Numbers

Photo: Jason Sylvan © WHOI

Days at sea = 30

People on board = 48 (22 Atlantis crew + 8 Alvin Group + 2 Shipboard Science Support Group + 16 scientists)

Alvin dives on the East Pacific Rise = 13 (+ one incomplete due to electrical ground)

Distance Alvin traveled on the seafloor during these dives = 31,299 meters

Scientists making their first dive in Alvin = 11

Youngest researcher = Mia Self, age 19

Oldest researcher = Meg Tivey, age 61

Temperature of hottest vent encountered = 340° C/644° F at Bio vent

Temperature of hottest vent sampled = 320° C/608° F at Marker 10 vent

Sulfide stations sampled = 25 (each station has at least 10-12 sub samples)

Basalt samples collected = 13

Microbial growth chambers deployed and recovered = 36

Amount of rock the Toner lab will investigate with synchrotron facilities = 4 million microns

CTD deployments = 11

Amount of water filtered = 2,090 liters

Students talked with over Zoom, YouTube Live, and Google Hangouts = 800

Game of Thrones episodes watched = 67

Hats blown overboard = 2

Seven day steams to and from California = 2

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